Do you find less than pleasant changes to your skin as you progress through your menopausal years?
Perhaps you find your skin becoming dryer and thinner, or maybe it feels oilier and more sensitive than ever. The hormonal changes during menopause has significant impacts on one’s skin, especially prevalent and obvious in one’s later years since our bodies get less resistant to natural forces.

So how DOES menopause affect you in the long run?
It is natural to want to keep one’s skin radiant and healthy during this period.
However, before we can tackle the symptoms, we must understand why and how menopause’s symptoms affect our skin and the changes that comes with the perimenopause and ageing process. Let us take a look at the most common skincare problems that women face while going through menopause!
Skin Dryness
Menopause affects you by causing a decrease in oil production in our skin. As a result, our skin feels dryer and stiffer than usual. Coupled with external factors such as harsh soaps or the hot Singapore weather, these further strip our skin of moisture. This is the most obvious symptom to arise from menopause, and also the easiest to combat. After all, moisturisers are common and easy to purchase.
Thinning of skin
The firmness and elasticity that our skin has is bolstered and maintained by a protein called collagen. During menopause, one’s body produces a lesser amount of this protein, thereby causing one’s skin to become thinner and less elastic in the process. Needless to say, the hot Singapore weather, with temperatures ever on the rise due to global warming’s heat waves, only makes things worse since the sun causes more damage to our skin’s proteins.
Wrinkling of the skin
Any ageing person’s greatest fear. Studies show that women’s skin loses about 30% of its collagen during the first five years of menopause. You may find your skin becoming slack, with eye pouches and larger pores. This may be one of the most worrying and obvious aspects of menopause on the skin, as saggy skin sticks out like a sore thumb.
Rashes and more frequent irritation
The pH of our skin changes around the age of 50, which coincides with the age of menopause. As such, our skin becomes more sensitive and easily bruised, with rashes becoming more commonplace too. On top of the hormonal changes that come with menopause, our skin requires more care if one wants to prevent damage.
Now that we know what to expect, we can move on to tackling these symptoms and alleviating them. Not all hope is lost and many of such symptoms can be easily managed with the right skincare regimen.
Important Notes:
This article is meant purely for informational purposes and should not be relied upon as medical advice. Always consult a medical professional for specific advice on your health.
This article has not been reviewed by any medical professionals or legal bodies.